White paper


The adult entertainment market is worth more than $100 billions worldwide.

The traditional content platforms have demonstrated the extraordinary popularity of adult content over the Internet in the last few years. However, the popular content and streaming platforms are holding too much power over every ones personal data, dictate what and how content creators should be performing for fans.

These platforms have also faced controversies related to content moderation, concerns over exploitation and the reliability of payment providers. Some have criticized the platforms for enabling the objectification of women and putting the demands of corporations before creator needs.

Some time ago popular content platforms had a major payment failure leading to many fans stopping their subscription and creators not receiving their payouts. Because of this catastrophic payment failure, these creators were left in shambles trying to find new sources of income.

During August 2021, one of the largest content platform announced the banning of explicit content on the site due to payment processors denying that kind of content (see source). This again, left many creators in fear and confusion about their livelihood and the future of their career as a creator.

The root cause is the intermediaries that stand between fans and creators. These platforms depend on the payment processors and financiers who has an influence on how they operate the platform. This leads to not just denial of payments, but also banning of certain political narratives.

We have noticed an opportunity in the market and set about building an adult content platform that addresses the issues facing the industry, whilst putting content creators and fans first.


AMOFANS is a next generation adult content platform where creators and their fans meet.

The core idea behind the project is to create a convenience, trustful and safe platform that offers a better user experience and provides more control to users. Also we want bring blockchain solutions and decentralized technologies to a multi-billion adult market. This is a challenge but also a great opportunity to lead the field in this new market to demonstrate how crypto and blockchain can be used safely and effectively in this context.

Blockchain technology has fairly revolutionized different business processes. One of the key elements that distinguish blockchain-based solutions is transparency, anonymity and decentralisation. We accept payments in popular cryptocurrencies and our native token to provide better anonymity for users. Additionally, crypto does not have as many handling fees as fiat payments.

We want to bring together the best features from existing platforms and create a new and innovative way to connect creators with their fans.

Revenue model

As a creator you will receive 85% revenue share paid with fast cryptocurrency payouts. Invite your friends and receive a reward for each user who registers using your link. Create without limits and turn your talent into a steady income.


  • Personal subscriptions
  • Donations in posts
  • Paid messages
  • Crypto payments
  • Native utility token
  • Referral program
  • Telegram chat bot

Native token

The AMOFANS token is fixed supply and deflationary utility token that runs natively on TON blockchain. The TON was chosen for the smart contract due to its low transaction fees and fast transaction speed. The token is freely transferable on the blockchain.

All users of the platform automatically get free tokens after registration and verification. We could also potentially do a buy back and burn. This would be done with a percentage of the profits generated from the platform. The users of the platform and all token owners are our real stakeholders.

The tokens will also be tradable on decentralized exchanges.

Token information

Type: Utility token
Platform: The Open Network (TON)
Total supply: 100 000 000
Contract: EQDTXsriXEbTBGmXFe-LAMTLrokuxStc6QFnECXnzrgAA_I4


This document is strictly intended for informational purposes only. It is neither an offer document nor an invitation to invest in this project or any of its products (or associated products) or services including but not limited to the native tokens.

We aims to provide better user experience and services, but we do not guarantee success. We excludes ourselves from any liability whatsoever, that may arise because of any personal or emotional trauma or untoward feeling that you may encounter as a result of not meeting your desired goals through the platform. We are doing out best to ensure that you have the most pleasant experience with our products and services.

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